Hillview Assembly of God
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Children's Church

Image goes here. 

Tammy Parnell

Children's church Director
Tammy is our Director of the
Children's Church program. 
She is always finding new ways
to get the kids involved and helping
them realize just how fun church
can be.  They have their own
service with worship and prayer
and work hard at practices
for Christmas plays,
human videos, and bible lessons.
Sorry, this group is for 11 and
under only.  If you have kids
in this age group or know
of any bring them on! 
They will have a great time
with Tammy and the other
Children's Church helpers!
Children's Church is during the second Sunday Morning service at 11:30am.
Pinky, Christy, Vanessa, and Kayla are some of the helpers
that are making sure these kids have a great time
each week in CC.



The Kids in CC are in
competition between the boys
and girls to see who can raise
the most money.  The losing team's
leader(Christy Prasch for the girls; Pastor
Brown for the boys) will end up with
eggs on them.  Who will it be?  Come and
find out in Children's Church.  Don't forget
those pennies!

So what's going on in CC?

     Check back later for info.